Visit The Garden

Garden Open Day and Plant Stall

Next Garden Open Day – 1st June 2025 more details to follow

Garden Visits

We welcome horticultural clubs, gardening clubs and group visits to the garden. Experience the garden and the wonderful variety of plants and shrubs throughout the seasons from April to October. Garden tours, questions and answer sessions, cut flowers, plants for sale and refreshments can be provided. Alternatively, if you are looking for a speaker Gabi can bring the garden to you in the form of a slideshow and talk. Contact Gabi for more information.

Volunteering Opportunities

We have a fantastic team of volunteers who help out in the garden on an occasional or regular basis. There is always a job that needs doing to keep the garden running smoothly and looking good, either in the garden or the greenhouse. And there’s always tea and coffee and usually cake!  Our usual work day is a Tuesday, so if you fancy getting out in the fresh air, immersed in nature, being part of a team and learning more about growing beautiful flowers in harmony with nature, please get in touch.

Photo credits: Richard Bloom, Wendy Aiken, Karin Pringscheim